Friday, March 27, 2020


Our Beautiful Daughter Ursula Passed Away on September 6th, 2018. She was 7-1/2 years old and has been fighting a rare form of brain cancer since she was a baby. This picture of her was taken 4 years ago but shows her spirit beautifully.

We are beyond heartbroken and we miss her every moment of every day.


In Memorium: Ursula Ilien Joy

The Family Network for Deaf Children and Ursula’s family has set up a Family Deaf Camp fund in Ursula’s name. The aim is to financially support families in need to enable them to attend future Family Deaf Camps on Hornby Island - because Ursula was partially deaf and SHE LOVED her time at Family Deaf Camp!

To donate:

(type Ursula’s name in the “in memory” of section).
FNDC will let the family know of your donation.